Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day Six - Suzhou

The crowd closed in around the street vendor as he prepared another 6 orders of his fried treats. Lucie and I tried our best to maneuver towards the front of the line but it was very close quarters. Getting an appetizer for 5 yuan (about 75 cents) was going to be challenging, but we were hungry and determined tourists! Our appetite had woken by the various types of foods cooking as we made our way down Pingjiang Road for our before dinner stroll in Suzhou. The locals were out en mass, enjoying their Saturday evening like us, dodging rickshaws, bicycles, and the occasional scooter. It was lively and friendly, everyone sporting a smile and a laugh.

Our day began with a flight from Xi'an to Shanghai where we caught a bus for a one and a half hour journey to Suzhou. It is known as the Venice of China because of the many canals criss-crossing through the city, some of which date back to the 6th century BC. As the silk capital of China, Suzhou attracted many wealthy merchants, some of whom created some of the most beautiful classical Chinese Gardens. Our first stop in this leg of our journey is one such garden, the Liu Garden, featured in these pictures.

This tasteful sign caught Lucie's eye and my camera.

One of the highlights of the Liu Garden visit was the walk through the Bonsai forest, pictured below.

The people of Suzhou often buy their groceries right on the street from vendors such as the ones pictured here.

Weddings in China are not religious events but nevertheless are very important family milestones. While walking through Suzhou I caught these brides getting their photos made before their weddings.

Our afternoon in Suzhou was capped off with a stroll along the canal next to Pingjiang Road, famous throughout China. It was along here that our appetites peaked and we indulged in a delicious treat along the way. The fried balls were filled with a vegetable that was zucchini like, and the vendor sprinkled a variety of spices and herbs on them before serving, mmm.

The canal was beautiful, with trees draping down, gondolas with singing gondoliers, ancient bridges, and buskers of every sort. Even a man doing his laundry was spotted.

Our walk had to end as dinner awaited. Unfortunately, dinner was terrible tonight, it was a buffet with bony fish and cold chicken, even the noodles were bad. After dinner we headed to the Gusu Jin Jiang Tower hotel where we were very pleasantly surprised by a gorgeous view from our room.

As it was still early, we decided to go for a late evening walk. Just outside the hotel we found this group of aerobic dancers, Danielle joined them for a bit and actually showed real dancing style!

The walk, and the day, ended with another new friend for Lucie. Tomorrow, we're off to Shanghai!

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